What is a Bank’s “No Liability Letter”? All you need to know



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The no liability letter is a confirmation signed by a bank official and issued by the bank confirming that the account holder has no payment obligations. The no liability letter indicates that the account holder is not liable for making any payments to the bank. A risk clearance certificate is issued to the borrower by the bank.

The bank issues a letter stating that there is no liability on the account holder. It shows that the account holder has paid off his or her loan or credit card balance in full. This letter can be used by the borrower to assure clients that there is no danger associated with the activity. The clients cannot be held accountable for prior obligations.

How to apply for a no liability letter?

You can request a no liability letter from the bank, and the bank will give you one. Visit the bank location nearest you and submit your application. You may also contact the bank’s phone center or submit an application via online banking. Upon approval of your application, the bank will provide you with a reference number. This reference number allows you to monitor the status of your request.

No liability letter and Credit reports

It is crucial to review your credit report with the Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB). You can obtain the report from the office in order to determine the outstanding balances. The bureau will collect the least fees, such as Dh 70 for brief reports and Dh 110 for thorough reports.

The customer is able to determine whether the bank filed the report to a credit reporting agency. Once the report has been submitted, the credit report is updated with the most recent information, which indicates that the loan has been paid off, and the credit score is also updated.

If there is an auto loan, the roads and transport department should be contacted for the vehicle release clearance report. This is essential for avoiding problems while driving or being involved in an accident. While paying the loan amount, the customer must clear with the bank for payment of all dues, including the remaining balance.

The clearance certificate is a legal document proving that all credit card or loan obligations have been satisfied. This paper will aid you in avoiding future disagreements with the lender. A credit report is a more trustworthy means of verifying a customer’s past. Customers are advised to obtain a no liability letter from the bank and to review their credit reports. You can repair variances and inaccuracies on your credit report if there are any anomalies.

Importance of no liability letter

Legal and financial experts recommend that UAE citizens receive a letter from their bank stating that they are no longer liable for a loan or credit card liability once the loan has been repaid or the credit card balance has been canceled. This is similar to a certificate from the bank stating that the consumer has no outstanding debts and is free of all financial obligations.

In the past, there have been occasions in which the consumer was detained at the immigration desk. There were also a few cases in which customers encountered issues registering their property.

There have also been occasions where the borrower’s name appeared on the list of defaulters despite having paid off the loans. Only after the bank grants clearance will the consumer be certified free of obligations. Having a certificate of no liability is therefore crucial.

Some bank customers experienced difficulties during property registration as a result of unpaid credit card and loan obligations noted in their bank records. Numerous customers are unaware of the significance of obtaining a “No Liability Certificate” from the bank.

They disregard or delay obtaining the certificate of no liability from the bank. Banks may take time to update their data, and in the interim, authorities with access to financial records will adhere to regulations.

The customer’s responsibility does not stop when the loan is repaid; it ends when the customer receives a no due certificate or no liability certificate from the bank. The no-liability certificate is the bank’s official confirmation that the loan has been fully repaid and cleared.

Issuance of no liability certificate

The bank will not issue a liability certificate at the customer’s request. The customer must visit the bank or submit an online application for the certificate of no liability. Standardly, the bank will require seven business days to issue the certificate.

Different banks have varying timescales, and since the advent of online banking, some banks give instantaneous service upon receipt of all required paperwork. Some banks will charge for the issuance of the certificate, while others will supply it at no cost.

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